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Did you watch ‘Duck Tales’ or ‘He-Man’ as a child? Then you already know what Animation is. Basically, it is a technique of art which causes pictures or images to look like they are moving. The Animation industry in India & internationally is very huge & growing. There is a big market for animated films, advertising campaigns, educational CDs, websites with animation, etc.VFX or Visual Effects are a way of mixing real film shooting with false or animated images. For instance, a movie that shows the hero jumping off the ground and flying into the air, is created using VFX. Almost every single movie these days uses VFX. PIXA ANIMATION MAKERS offers some of the best VFX courses. Affordable software for Animation & VFX has made it easy for almost all filmmakers to use VFX in their movies.There are various types of Animation. PIXA ANIMATION MAKERS offers training in many of these varieties. Check out the PIXA Animation Makers Courses

The most obvious difference between the two genres of animation is the three dimensional characteristics or the appearance of depth. 2D animation is created by drawing almost every frame of the animated movie and is the base of 3D animation. 3D animation is created by changing the poses and the placement of already created 3D models. It has more depth and is more realistic, it is a series of images/ objects created using computers or any other digital media.

Animation is highly exciting and youthful career option, which is rewarding too. Animation enables you to create characters, give them life, fill colors and others pay for work which you do! Field of animation especially computer animation is advancing at a very rapid scale in terms of technology and expertise. There is no dearth of opportunities because the media industry is booming.

Animation is highly exciting and youthful career option, which is rewarding too. Animation enables you to create characters, give them life, fill colors and others pay for work which you do! Field of animation especially computer animation is advancing at a very rapid scale in terms of technology and expertise. There is no dearth of opportunities because the media industry is booming.

The animation industry is growing at a fast pace and hence needs a large number of trained professionals. Job skills required in the animation field can be clubbed under two broad categories:

   1- Technical skills
   2- Soft skillsDrawing skills, design & layout, animation techniques & training on relevant software, creating different moods and feelings in characters are skills that can be acquired through a formal animation training program from a reputed institution. PIXA ANIMATION MAKERS’s training ensures that students produce quality work that wins them awards.

Animation is a creative field. Your salary depends on your talent, creativity and knowledge you gain from the course. Upon successful course completion, PIXA ANIMATION MAKERS offers career development training & placement assistance so that you get a chance to be interviewed & recruited by major animation studios & film making companies.

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